бенчмарки Fastvideo SDK

Fastvideo Lab software for high speed video cameras

High speed video cameras are usually supplied with basic software to handle with camera parameters. Nevertheless it's not enough for motion capture, image enhancement, calibrated measurement, multi-camera imaging or image archival, etc. We are developing that kind of software to ensure sophisticated level of functionality.

Setting camera parameters

  • Windowing (area of interest settings)
  • Camera frame rate (fps)
  • Shutter (exposure time)
  • Gain
  • Black level
  • Offset

Basic software

  • Continuous video output to PC
  • FPN correction
  • Demosaicing
  • White balance
  • Gamma
  • Saving of image sequence to HDD in RAW format
  • View of image sequence (captured images or video)
  • Writing of recorded image sequence to AVI file

Advanced features

  • I/O control signals
  • Synchronization (software, hardware, combined)
  • Writing image sequence into a single bitmap
  • Transformation of BMP images into TIFF / PNG / JPG formats, etc.
  • Real time high speed video recording to HDD (video to disk option)
  • Long-term continuous recording of high speed video to RAID at full frame resolution and maximum data rate
  • Software for GPU (NVIDIA CUDA) for high speed applications:

Advanced camera functions are available through a comprehensive Software Developer Kit, with sample code and full technical support to quickly integrate camera functions into your application.

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